Kumpulan Contoh Judul Tugas Akhir Teknik Informatika Terbaru

Contoh Judul Tugas Akhir Teknik Informatika
Kumpulan contoh judul tugas akhir teknik informatika terbaru. Menjadi mahasiswa merupakan sebuah impian banyak orang bahkan ada yang sampai rela sambil bekerja untuk bisa kuliah. Oleh karena itu bila anda saat ini bisa menjadi mahasiswa dan kuliah dikampus sebaiknya gunakan kesempatan yang anda miliki dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Masa kuliah yang umum untuk jenjang S-1 adalah 4 tahun yang terbagi dari semester 1 sampai semester 8 atau semester akhir. Biasanya banyak mahasiswa yang masih disemester 1 sampai 3  ini memiliki kebiasaan malas kuliah atau bersantai-santai. Berbeda dengan mahasiswa yang sudah mendekati semester akhir, mereka harus memikirkan tugas akhir.

Tugas akhir merupakan syarat utama bagi mahasiswa yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Banyak mahasiswa yang kesulitan dalam mencari tema atau judul untuk tugas akhir mereka. Bahkan tidak jarang judul yang mereka ajukan ditolak oleh Dosen, hal ini karena mereka belum menguasai materi saat menyampaikan presentasi judul tugas akhir yang akan mereka ambil.

Nah pada kesempatan ini saya mau share Kumpulan Contoh Judul Tugas Akhir Teknik Informatika terbaru yang bisa teman teman gunakan sebagai bahan referensi atau syukur-syukur bisa anda gunakan sebagai judul Tugas Akhir. Sebaiknya pilih judul tugas akhir yang sesuai dengan kemapuan yang paling anda kuasai misalnya anda menguasai pemrograman web, maka anda ambil judul tugas akhir yang berkaitan dengan website. Jika anda menguasai jaringan, maka anda ambil judul untuk tugas akhir yang berkaitan dengan jaringan.

Berikut ini Kumpulan contoh judul tugas akhir teknik informatika terbaru

  1. Study, Analysis, Impelmentation and Comparison between JPEG and JPEG2000 (Thazin Aungsoe) 
  2. Miniatur Tempat penyebrangan jalan pada daerah padat lalu lintas
  3. Akses Pintu Menggunakan Kartu Lobang Teregritasi Berbasis Mikrokontroller AT89C51
  4. Pembalikan Arah Putaran Motor Stepper Berbasis Jaringan Internet
  5. Pengaturan Peralalatan Elektronik Berbasis Jaringan Local Area Network (LAN)
  6. Robot Line Follower Pengangkut Barang Berbasis Mikrokontroller AT89S52
  7. Perancangan Alat Lampu Lalu Lintas Berbasis Mikrokontroler
  8. Sistem Keamanan Ruang Menggunakan Por Parallel Berbasis Komputer
  9. Perancangan Alat Ukur Berat Badan Balita Menggunakan Mikrokontroller AT89C51
  10. Perancangan Perangkat Keras Sistem keamanan rumah Menggunakan Komputer
  11. Pengendali Temperatur yang dapat dipantau melalui jaringan berbasis web
  12. Komunikasi Data Dengan jaringan Nirkabel ( Wireless) Menggunakan antena Kaleng
  13. Visualisasi Penyelesaian Model Jaringan sebagai Alat Bantu Pengajaran
  14. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran dan Persediaan Barang PT bla bla bla.
  15. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web pada Perpustakaan Umum Daerah (………)
  16. Enkripsi Video Selektif Video MPEG dengan Algoritma Serpent (Arief Pratama)
  18. Sistem Informasi Geografis
  19. Sistem informasi lowongan pekerjaan untuk alumni Universitas Sanata Dharma
  20. Sistem perbankan online melalui ponsel dengan WAP [ Wireless Application Protocal]
  21. Penerapan pengkodean label buku dengan barcode : Studi kasus : Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
  22. Pemanfaatan teknologi ASP [Active Server Pages] untuk akses database berbasis web : Studi kasus : Rumah sakit Panti Rapih Yogyakarta.
  23. Implementasi Linux dalam jaringan intranet
  24. Simulasi pelayanan sistem elevator
  25. Program bantu pencarian ramuan obat tradisional untuk suatu penyakit
  26. Program untuk menjalankan game memory yang interaktif
  27. Perbandingan penyelesaian persamaan linear jarang [Ax=b] menggunakan gelombang-singkat
  28. Program penyelesaian masalah knapsack secara zero-one dengan teknik backtracking
  29. Perbandingan mean filtering dengan median filtering dalam efek blur
  30. Aplikasi web usage mining untuk situs web : [studi kasus pada situs web portal Yogyakarta: http://www.gudeg.net]
  31. Perancangan sistem informasi pengontrolan distribusi barang pada Departemen Pemasaran PT. Jamu Jago Semarang
  32. Pencarian jalur terpendek antar kota di Pulau Jawa dengan algoritma dijkstra
  33. Penerapan metode alpha-beta pruning pada game connect4
  34. The implementation of client/server 3-tier application on partial e-commerce
  35. Program bantu interaktif pengenalan dunia serangga dan daur hidupnya
  36. Sistem informasi pegawai edukatif di lingkungan Universitas Sanata Dharma
  37. Application program for string recognition on finite automat
  38. The disease information system built by utilizing activex data object [ADO] technology
  39. Utilization networking traffic for simulation using slam II
  40. An application software used to provide of cosmetic product for costumers, built by adopting object oriented technology with unified modeling language
  41. Application of data security software enggineering ASCII formatted with random method
  42. The auction of projects online system at PO. Putuwarsa Yogyakarta
  43. Application of hotel`s room reservation through web media by using ASP
  44. Sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan perguruan tinggi dengan metode proses hierarki analitik
  45. Visualisasi matlab untuk penyelesaian persamaan linear [Ax=b]
  46. Kurva untuk penyajian informasi hasil pengolahan data [sensus penduduk Indonesia]
  47. Web page generator built by adapting object-oriented technology
  48. One way control modeling with TCP/IP
  49. The preliminary study and implementation of XML case study : the products and services information at studio audio visual Puskat Yogyakarta
  50. Programming aid for basic graphical production using borland delphi 5
  51. The preliminary study and implementation of KDB in studio audio visual Puskat Yogyakarta
  52. Noise effect in hamming and hopfield artificial neural networks for number 0 – 9 patterns recognition
  53. Indonesian-English language learning software by using image and voice for elementary school
  54. Information system of inventory based on client/server database : case study in inventory in Sanata Dharma University Paingan Yogyakarta
  55. The usage of 3-D object on housing website, with the VRML application
  56. The library information system based on active server pages technology : [case study on Sanata Dharma University]
  57. Presentation of student grade on web database using ASP technology at Sanata Dharma University
  58. The development of an application software used to classify rocks based on their mineral composition
  59. Searching and visualization of family tree using linked list
  60. System of searching of thesis data based on active server pages technology
  61. The web-based information system for ticket booking Ramayana Ballet performance
  62. Implementation of depth first search in lights puzzle game
  63. Programming aid to evaluate student`s special ability and aptitude in selecting student major for senior high school
  64. The information system of christian data documentation in Semarang archdiocese by using PHP
  65. Encyclopedia of shadow puppet with mahabharat`s story for childrens [8-12 year old]
  66. Comparasion between double buffering method and update method in animation
  67. The implementation of online bookstore as a model of software development for electronic commerce application
  68. The ASP script utilization for polling in the internet : [case study in the Handicraft company]
  69. Concept and implementation of hashing method for searching data of credit card owners
  70. Image quality improvement
  71. Controlling home appliances with computer
  72. Information system of pharmacy based on client-server : case study on Gunung Pharmacy Pekalongan
  73. Pendukung pengambilan keputusan pembelian komputer rakitan
  74. Polyclinic information system : case study in policlinic of Campus III Sanata Dharma University Paingan Yogyakarta
  75. Aid program in finding the Shortest route at simple switched data network with dijkstra algorithm
  76. An assistant program for selecting an effective method contraception
  77. Web programming by using PHP for hotel reservation based on internet
  78. Security blocking web site application
  79. A model of web based information system for java keraton
  80. Sistem informasi kepegawaian berbasis client/server untuk Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
  81. On line questioner with active server pages [ ASP ] : [ case study : degree of using the internet as media for study, entertainment and information on the Island of Java ]
  82. Kamus elektronik Indonesia-Inggris on-line : untuk orang asing pemula
  83. Browsing licenser at local area network depend on configured user account group : implemented using linux redhat 8.0 server
  84. A web-based application software used to help elementary school students in learning mathematics, built by applying object oriented and PHP4 technology
  85. Processing speed comparison between mozaic and smearing method in blurring image
  86. Pharmacy information system : case study in apotek Mekar Jl. Gorongan Kios No. 16 Seturan Condong Catur Depok Sleman Yogyakarta
  87. WAP [Wireless Apllication Protocol] for publication and circulation of small advertisments
  88. Exams generator for Sanata Dharma University : a web based aplication
  89. Comparison between kruskal algorithm and prim algorithm to form minimal spanning tree
  90. The implementation of active server pages technology in online aeroplane ticket ordering at PT Mitra Persada travelindo
  91. Patient diet aid programs
  92. Monitoring internet link using pinger
  93. Penjadwalan mata kuliah dengan metode penugasan
  94. Coding of image data file using des and RSA [*.BMP]
  95. Solution of linear equation system [using handle graphics]
  96. Programming aid for arithmetic expression machine code production using Borland Delphi 5
  97. Aided software for selecting computer`s hardware
  98. The monitoring system of the warehousing stock based on the web by the technology of active server pages [ASP]
  99. Wap application for railway ticket online ordering using cellular phone
  100. The programming aid of entry test for senior high school
  101. The aplication of elements data and chemical compounds dictionary using active server pages technology
  102. The use of active server page technology to develop web application in case of VCD rent
  103. Web programming database implementation by coldfusion technology on case of computer peripheral sale
  104. Online linux-based web server activity grapher
  105. Optimalization of the job shop production schedule with amount of task and different of ordinary machine using minimalization method of cost of early and tardy
  106. The information system of student academic for senior high school
  107. Web server traffic monitoring application for single user
  108. Build a mail client using Java language
  109. The information system of tourism in Ngada regency based on web
  110. Learning aid differentiation function program based on windows
  111. Web based mail server
  112. A program application used to help students in learning matrix
  113. Comparison between ASP [Active Server Pages] scripting language and PHP [Personal Home Page tools] scripting language in mailing list management
  114. Aided program for production forecasting
  115. Simple portal in newspaper online using PHP
  116. Flying word game using double buffering method
  117. A web based system information of NTT traditional tenun textil
  118. Information system for a Batik retailer customers
  119. Animation unit auxilaries program and effective simple game
  120. Drugs and disease dictionary
  121. Visualization of how TCP protocol work
  122. The implementation of web based teaching as a learning process support in Sanata Dharma University web server Yogyakarta
  123. Mapping information system base on spacious data [case study Kinara Puri housing] as aplication information system geographic
  124. Web based HIV/AIDS information system using PHP
  125. Web-based firewall application using Ipchains on Linux Redhat 7.2
  126. The simulation of capture effect on ethernet network
  127. Snake and ladder game as an educational aid program for elementary school students
  128. Movie ticket buying and selling system : client/server applicatio : [sistem pembelian dan penjualan tiket bioskop : sebuah aplikasi client/server]
  129. Ethernet network visualization with CSMA/CD acces method
  130. The implementation of client-server technology on internet cafe billing system
  131. The use of SQL server for accounting information system in credit union
  132. Perancangan web dengan pemograman server side untuk toko komputer virtual di internet
  133. E-learning application as a supporting fasility in a classroom by using PHP and MYSQL
  134. Multiuser payroll information system in a manufacture company
  135. Application of wireless with J2ME for HTTP server access
  136. Web based introduction to freshwater fish information system using PHP
  137. Prototyping management information system for reservation of goods railage in PT. Kereta Api [Persero]
  138. Serving a display of building setting information in risti division of PT. Telkom
  139. Encryption image with RSA method
  140. Information system the seven wonders encyclopedia web based by using PHP
  141. Web-based sales information system of handicraft products : case study of PT. Dian Mandala
  142. Academic information system : case studi : KRS [Kartu Rencana Studi] in the Engineering Faculty of Sanata Dharma University
  143. Application of thresholding technique on image
  144. The use of engine asp to develop an application for learning process in mathematics among students in an elementary school
  145. Web based academic information system : case study : KRS [Kartu Rencana Studi] data entry in the Faculty of Engineering of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta
  146. Multiuser information system on motorcycle sale : case study UD Sarwo Abadi Motor Klaten
  147. The assitant program of urban transportation line : case study of Umbulharjo Terminal of Yogyakarta
  148. Aided program by using a blind map for elementary student
  149. The application of multiuser inventory information : case study at PT. Punggur Kharisma
  150. Assistant program for recognition the symptoms of TBC lunge disease
  151. The use of PHP to develop airline ticket reservation Web Based information system
  152. The information system of library : case study at SLTP BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta Jln. Sultan Agung No.4 Yogyakarta
  153. Aided program for counting income tax per year : case study at CV. Cahaya Murni Abadi Atambua-NTT
  154. Information system of the Ardi Farma drugstore Yogyakarta
  155. The application of question banks based on Web : case study at Informatic Engineering Sanata Dharma University
  156. Forecasting with browns one parameter and holt two parameter double exponential smoothing methods
  157. Application program to transform non deterministic finite automata [NFA] into deterministic finite automata [DFA]
  158. Information system of house marketing in Yogyakarta
  159. Airline ticket administration system at mitra Persada Travelindo
  160. Aided program for Indonesia food receipt
  161. Application of binary search in word searching on English-Indonesia dictionary
  162. The use of active server page [ASP] to develop auctioning Web information system : case study at Perum Pegadaian Yogyakarta
  163. Application of simplex method in choosing food composition
  164. English spelling checker using soundex algorithms
  165. XML application in database server accesing : case study : computer virus database
  166. Comparison of least-cost method and vogel method to solve transportation model
  167. Online health encyclopedia
  168. Image quality improvement using linear addition and linear scaling method
  169. Animation on mobile-phone screen using J2ME MIDP : animasi di layar handphone dengan J2ME MIDP
  170. Phone cell information system on CV Gerhana Cellular Yogyakarta based on client server
  171. Geriatric information system based on client-server
  172. Building resource management based on simple network management protocol
  173. Image compression with three wavelet methode [Daubechies, molet, meyer] using matlab
  174. Performance comparison of three compression algorithms text file [txt]
  175. Computer assisted learning in human biology for high school students
  176. The information system of association of informatics engineering students Sanata Dharma University
  177. Web design using the personal home page tools/hypertext preprocessor [php] on the internet based train ticket reservation
  178. VCD rental information system : case study at VCD rental Gajah Disk Jl. Gajah No. 42 Tahunan Yogyakarta
  179. Aid software to recognizing the deases symtons and treatments on orange tree : case study at Kabupaten Karo
  180. The use of php to develop bungalow reservation web based system case study : pacific center bungalow-Bali
  181. Inventory information system : case study at Warenhouse Department, PT. Sweet IndoLampung Site Astra Ksetra, Tulang Bawang, Lampung
  182. Archival information system case study at Sanata Dharma University
  183. Implementasi wireless application protocol [WAP] untuk situs koran Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta online
  184. Sistem informasi rawat inap menggunakan oracle 9i : studi kasus : Rumah Sakit Panti Nugroho
  185. Implementasi Java Micro Edition [J2ME] untuk aplikasi pemesanan tiket kereta api studi kasus : kereta api Taksaka
  186. Web based software development for herbal drug information system
  187. Visualizing host connection status in a local area network : case study elementary computer laboratory informatics department Sanata Dharma University
  188. Multilayer feedforward neural network for Java character classification
  189. Bilingual [Indonesia-English] web based information system of worship places in Yogyakarta
  190. Aided program of Ear, Nose and Throat disease identification
  191. The interactive assistant program to introduce orchid plant using visual basic 6.0
  192. The use of asp to develop church web based information system : case study at Santo Antonius Kotabaru Church
  193. Pembuatan game Dance Dance Revolution dengan visual basic
  194. Enkripsi file menggunakan metode idea 64-bit
  195. Generating minimum rectilinear steiner spanning tree : Case study: Water pipeline at central building, campus III USD
  196. Visualization to recognize the parts of computer`s hardware by using aplication of multimedia`s program = Penggunaan program aplikasi multimedia dalam visualisasi untuk mengenal bagian-bagian perangkat-keras komputer
  197. Chinese language web based teaching for children 6 to 12 years old
  198. Noise elimination and smoothing with image file
  199. Indonesian-English dictionary for beginner
  200. The use of PC as a model of single line telephone operator
  201. The software aided of learning and teaching : [Case study:Chemistry for senior high school]
  202. Implementasi partisi horisontal untuk database terdistribusi pada kasus pengiriman barang di PT.CV. titipan kilat cabang Yogyakarta
  203. Histogram equalization method and linear multiplication method implementation in improving for image quality
  204. SQL serve web console using ac active serve page [ASP]
  205. Implementation Rsa method on message delevery base on client-server paradigm
  206. Sales information system in book shop Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta
  207. The selection of foreign currency investment using implicit enumeration method in knapsack problem
  208. Implementasi algoritma Abuaiadh-Kingston dalam pencarian jalur terpendek dalam wilayah Kota Yogyakarta
  209. Implementation of web based webtool provider using PHP MySQL : (case study: local web server of TI USD)
  210. Information system based on the web tourism Jakarta : sistem informasi berbasis web kepariwisataan Jakarta
  211. Travelling salesperson problem solving with branch and bound method : case study transportation line in Java Island
  212. Solution of transportation problem with vogel method as a starting solution
  213. Picture and ringtone editor for handphone
  214. Multiuser information system on processing the customers` receipts of the drinking water company of the Bandung district : [case study on PDAM Bandung]
  215. Wedding organizer on-line in ASP technique : [case study in Cathering and Wedding Package `Hanom`]
  216. The development of jet arcade game using macromedia flash 5.0 for the internet application
  217. Penggunaan PHP untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi skripsi berbasis web : [studi kasus pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Sanata Dharma]
  218. Othello game software
  219. Multiuser marketing and storing information system : case study on Pabrik Gula Madukismo Yogyakarta
  220. Tooth health information system using PHP and MySQL
  221. Web based of weather information visualization : case study BMG Yogyakarta
  222. Penerapan algoritma genetika untuk menyelesaikan traveling salesman problem
  223. Program pengenalan anjing berbasis web untuk pecinta anjing
  224. Web based attitude test for senior high school student academic potential
  225. Web based introduction to Monumen Yogya Kembali using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
  226. Borobudur Temple WEB based information system
  227. Design of ice maker with capasity 1500 litres per day
  228. Aid programme of trouble detection and maintenance visualization on two wheels four stroke motor cycle
  229. The edge determining on the image with fuzzy method
  230. A model of E-Publishing system
  231. The comparison between the wavelets and riyad wavelets for image compression using matlab
  232. Medical record information system : case study in Cakra Husada Hospital
  233. A web based questionnari application used for private radios
  234. Web based face makeup information system for women using PHP and MYSQL : [case study at Sariayu Martha Tilaar]
  235. An information system for the management of cultural assets in Yogyakarta : [case study the Department of Cultural in Yogyakarta]
  236. Aplikasi sms untuk pelayanan informasi akademik menggunakan visual basic dan oracle 9i DBMS : [studi kasus pada Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta] = Sms application for academic information with visual basic and oracle 9I DBM
  237. Perangkat lunak berbasis layanan FTP untuk pencatatan penekanan keyboard
  238. The use of PHP and MYSQL to develop a web based information system of commercial wood : [case study in Kehutanan Faculty Institut Pertanian `Stiper` Yogyakarta]
  239. E-Learning
  240. On-Line talents test with ASP
  241. A web based supporting program for alternatif medication using ASP [Active Server Page]
  242. Sistem informasi promosi motor `turbo` berbasis web dengan ASP
  243. Web based general information of humas senses
  244. The information system of purchasing and sales transaction : case study at Boutique Cosa Nostra Yogyakarta
  245. The simulation of SAP-1
  246. Motorcycle marketing site using PHP and MYSQL : case study at PT. Tunas Jaya Mekar Armada Jl. Magelang KM 5.5 Yogyakarta
  247. Sistem informasi penjualan dan persediaan produksi barang berbasis client server : studi kasus Perusahaan De Java Furniture Yogyakarta
  248. On_Line French verb tenses learning aid program for beginners
  249. English Indonesian vocabulary learning aid program
  250. Implementasi database sms dalam pengelolaan siaran radio interaktif
  251. Simulasi operasi perbekalan [inventory]
  252. OnLine TOEFL simulation
  253. Criminal record identification aided program : [case study at POLDA DIY]
  254. Application of sparse matrix arithmetic operations using turbo pascal
  255. Sistem informasi rumah sakit bagian rawat jalan berbasis multiuser : studi kasus pada Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth, Ganjuran, Bantul, Yogyakarta
  256. Handicraft web information system case study at CV. Nias Craft Yogyakarta
  257. Program bantu pengenalan demam berdarah berbasis web
  258. Implementasi java 2 micro edition dan http server untuk penyedia informasi jadwal acara televisi
  259. Sistem informasi koperasi karyawan Pusri Palembang bagian simpan pinjam
  260. Penggunaan PHP untuk mengembangkan KIOSK informasi toko buku berbasis web
  261. Website program studi teknik informatika dengan model pengelolaan menggunakan sistem grup pengguna : studi kasus pada Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
  262. Sistem penjualan secara on-line : studi kasus pada toko Suwandi elektrik di Pangkalpinang Bangka
  263. Sistem pemesanan online di PT. Aneka Sandang Interbuana-Solo dengan menggunakan PHP & MYSQL
  264. Implementasi Traveling Salesman Problem dengan metode continuous hopfield networks dan kohonen self organizing untuk 24 kotamadya di Pulau Jawa
  265. Aplikasi WAP untuk informasi jalur bus kota
  266. Program bantu pemilihan komputer dengan menggunakan metode Heuristik
  267. Implementasi algoritma CRC untuk deteksi error dan pengecekan integritas file
  268. Implementasi IP versi 6 pada sistem operasi linux pengembangan tools IPv6 berbasis Shell Script
  269. Firewall dengan Web Interface menggunakan Shell Programming dan CGI pada Linux berbasis Shorewall dan IP-Tables
  270. Pemantauan statistik lalu lintas dan pencatatan kesalahan tehadap suatu PC Router dengan menggunakan parameter SNMP
  271. Sistem informasi gudang bahan berbasis multiuser : studi kasus pada PT Intan Pariwara Klaten
  272. Officer bank promotion information system POLDA Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
  273. Program aplikasi ujian masuk perguruan tinggi berbasis multiuser : studi kasus : Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
  274. Penggunaan jaringan backpropagation untuk memprediksi peminat pada program studi di Universitas Sanata Dharma
  275. Web based online casette store information system in intranet network
  276. The use of ASP and MS Access to develop a bursa iklan kecik web information system
  277. Sistem informasi Book Shop Universitas Sanata Dharma = The information system of Sanata Dharma University Book Shop
  278. Implementasi XML web service untuk mobile phone menggunakan microsoft.net platiform dan j2me [studi kasus: sistem pencarian buku]
  279. Sistem pencarian posisi untuk telepon seluler yang aktif
  280. Sistem informasi inventori berbasis web : (studi kasus : PT. Alpa Spareparts cabang Yogyakarta)
  281. Sistem informasi geografi jaringan tegangan menengah studi kasus pada PT. PLN [Persero] Kecamatan Bumiayu ranting Bumiayu cabang Tegal
  282. Sistem informasi produksi buku berbasis web [intranet] study kasus di PT Bayu Indra Grafika Yogyakarta
  283. Pemberitahuan e-mail melalui sms [layanan pesan singkat]
  284. Penerapan konsep sistem pakar untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit jamur pada tanaman padi : [studi kasus : balai proteksi tanaman pangan dan hortikultura]
  285. Aplikasi monitoring status service menggunakan request reply
  286. Penggunaan jaringan backpropagation untuk translasi huruf hidup
  287. Implementasi database replikasi dalam sistem terdistribusi pada kasus pendokumentasian kartu keluarga wilayah Yogyakarta
  288. Sistem informasi kepegawaian di Komando Distrik Militer 0729/Bantul berbasis client – server
  289. Sistem informasi manajemen sumber daya manusia berbasis web menggunakan asp.net : [studi kasus : PT Indo Batam Ekatama Cikarang Branch]
  290. Implementasi JSP oracle untuk sistem penayangan informasi penerbangan : [studi kasus : Bandar Udara Adisutjipto Yogyakarta]
  291. Sistem informasi inventori berbasis web [studi kasus pada Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta]
  292. Aplikasi pembuatan game mancala dengan menggunakan java
  293. Software engineering of health laboratory using UML [case study of laboratory of pro vita clinic]
  294. Sistem informasi pengarsipan sertifikat : studi kasus pada Badan Pertanahan Nasional Gresik-Jawa Timur
  295. Sistem informasi akademik berbasis client-srver : [studi kasus di AKS Tarakanita Yogyakarta
  296. Program bantu pengenalan macam macam cacing serta pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan
  297. Sistem informasi adat istiadat Batak simalungun berbasis web dengan menggunakan php dan mysql
  298. Aplikasi kalender kegiatan multiuser
  299. Program transformasi obyek grafik tiga dimensi
  300. Program pengolahan data pasien pada Poliklinik Prama Asih Kalabahi-NTT
  301. Pembuatan permainan catch me cat
  302. Sistem informasi perawatan dan pendidikan bagi balita berbasis web
  303. Sistem informasi pariwisata Yogyakarta berbasis client server
  304. Information system of the Celebes Islands
  305. Sistem informasi geografis [SIG] pariwisata di Kab. Sleman : studi kasus: dinas pariwisata Pemda Kab. Sleman
  306. Yogyakarta and Solo wedding custom service aid program
  307. Aid program for computation learning and understanding of IP Address V4
  308. Sistem informasi trah berbasis web menggunakan PHP/MYSQL
  309. Aplikasi permainan puzzle pada handphone menggunakan java 2 micro edition
  310. Implementasi email marketing dengan menggunakan algoritma decision tree untuk situs bisnis pada toko buku
sumber :https://phazoy.wordpress.com

judul judul diatas merupakan judul untuk tugas akhir teknik informatika. silahkan anda pilih sesuai dengan materi yang anda kuasai. semoga artikel ini bisa membatu dan semoga tugas akhir teman-teman cepat selesai dengan nilai yang sangat memuaskan.

5 Responses to "Kumpulan Contoh Judul Tugas Akhir Teknik Informatika Terbaru"

  1. makasih nih infonya gan, akhirnya tau mau buat judul apa

  2. dulu waktu sidang pakai visual basic, tau gitu saya pakai web...kepakai sampai sekarang...he

  3. lumayan juga nih gan, bisa dijadiin ide..

    salam www.terniat.com

  4. mantep nih kalau yang udah akhir akhir sedang skripsi.
    kadang memang susah untuk mencari judul atau mau buat apa untuk tugas akhir.

  5. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung di KLIKAZZAM


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